The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed a master’s thesis  in field of Economic by the student (Farah Mohammed Abdel Rahman ) and tagged with (Industries dependent on petrochemical industries in promoting industrial development (international experiences) with reference to Iraq) ,  Under supervision of ( Prof. Dr. Faris Kareem Buraihi )

This study came to discuss the topic of industries dependent on the petrochemical industry in promoting industrial development (international experiences) during the period (2005-2020). The entire industrial sector in the light of the overall needs of industrial development, and in light of the priorities of these needs, and the availability of appropriate resources to achieve industrial goals, which contributed to the competitiveness of these industries. And because the petrochemical industry has an active role in establishing industrial clusters and clusters of micro, small, and medium industries, by providing the necessary feedstock for these industries in various fields and industrial sectors, and because of obsolescence and great technological backwardness compared to the countries that produce these industries and products, and the absence of future plans The lack of clarity in the vision of economic development in general and the petrochemical industries in particular. Iraq lacked the infrastructure, and in order to build a successful national economy, it needs to unite and synergize all efforts, all capabilities, human and material capabilities, and develop scientific programs and plans. The study recommended developing strategies and approving medium and long-term development plans to benefit from the results of the experiences of the leading countries in the field of developing small, medium and micro industries, as well as coordination and cooperation between the agencies and bodies concerned with the development of small and medium enterprises in the Arab countries and Iraq, to determine the definition of The concept of small and medium enterprises, in line with the definitions and concepts of countries. On the other hand, encouraging the establishment of projects for small and medium industries, reviewing policies and legislation, and updating them to ensure the facilitation of financing procedures and encouraging and stimulating the participation of the private sector in the development of small and medium enterprises in addition to the government sector.

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