The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed a PhD dissertation in field of  Business Administration by the student (Kadhim Jawad Jasim ) and tagged with (The impact of adopting digital leadership in strategic recovery Mediating strategic foresight) ,  Under supervision of (Prof. Dr.Salah Al-Deen Awad Karim )

         The research aims through its chapters to determine the level of the main variables in the researched organization and test the impact of the relationship between digital leadership in  promoting  strategic recovery through  strategic foresight, and in order to achieve this, the dimensions of digital leadership were adopted (visionary leadership, digital learning culture, professional development, comprehensive methodological improvement, digital citizenship), while the dimensions of strategic  foresight were represented (environmental survey capabilities, strategic choice capabilities, integration capabilities), while  dimensions of strategic recovery (speed, apology, compensation, explanation and clarification, empowerment), has been chosen (Rafidain Bank) to test this research, which is one of the ancient Iraqi banks that provides a range of banking services to a wide segment of society as it has many branches in Baghdad, the provinces and outside the country, so the adoption of modern methods in the completion of banking tasks leads to the improvement of services provided, which contribute to the service of citizens, the development and prosperity of the Iraqi economy and the welfare of society, has been adopted descriptive analytical approach using the questionnaire according to the five-point Likert scale as a tool for collecting information, the research sample included  (133) managers from the directors of departments and branches in Baghdad and the governorates of the community which numbered (196) managers. In addition after evaluating and testing the validity and stability of the research measurement tools, the data was analyzed, as natural adaptation and confirmatory factor analysis were used, and data were presented and analyzed and hypotheses were tested using appropriate statistical tools such as arithmetic mean and standard deviation to measure the level of variables and regression analysis using structural equation modeling and path analysis, and one of the most important findings of the research is that digital leadership has an effective and moral impact in promoting strategic recovery and that there is a partial mediating role for strategic foresight  In promoting strategic recovery.

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