The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed a higher diploma equivalent to Master’s Thesis in field of security strategic planning by the student (Hussam Hameed Taher ) and tagged with (The impact of environmental sensing strategies on the effectiveness of decision-making, an analytical research in the National Security Adviser), Under supervision of (Assist.Prof. Dr. Khaled Mahdi Saleh )

This research aims, through its sections and its four chapters, to demonstrate the relationship between environmental sensing strategies as an independent variable with its main dimensions (prediction strategy, closure strategy, gradient strategy) and the effectiveness of decision-making (the dependent variable) with its main dimensions (the quality of decision-making, the possibility of implementing the decision, the appropriate time for taking Decision), in the National Security Advisory and the importance of these variables in affecting the reality and future of the Chancellery through their association with making decisions consistent with the environmental reality in which it operates. The impact of environmental sensing strategies and their dimensions with the effectiveness of decision-making, and to achieve hypothesis tests, field research was used and applied to a sample of senior and middle management represented by (consultants, general managers, department and division managers) in the researched advisory center and its directorates and centers, and it was relied on to collect The data and information on the questionnaire as a basic tool for research, which was distributed to the research sample of (87 individuals), and a number of statistical methods were used to process the data, including: the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, for the purpose of describing the sample, and the simple linear correlation coefficient (Pearson) to test The validity of the hypotheses of correlation and simple and multiple linear regression to test the validity of the effect, and the data was analyzed through a set of statistical programs, namely (SPSS, Amos), and the research reached a number of conclusions, perhaps the most prominent of which were: All the correlations of environmental sensing strategies with the effectiveness of decision-making were good and Of significant significance, as the results showed a positive direct relationship at a high level between environmental sensing strategies and the effectiveness of decision-making. Inside the chancellery. This is done by hosting leaders, security experts, university professors, and specialists in the field of intelligence analysis and cyber-attacks, where knowledge and experiences are exchanged by holding seminars and dialogue sessions, to discuss the most important obstacles and challenges facing research variables .

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