Entrepreneurship organizes a workshop on writing a personal CV

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Munfi Reda, Dean of the College, the Entrepreneurship Unit, in cooperation with the Scientific Affairs Unit, organized a workshop entitled Opportunities to Discover Entrepreneurial Business Skills, presented by Aya Raad Raouf, a second-year student in the Department of Business Administration.
The lecture provided an introduction to how to write a CV, which is a summary of the job applicant’s professional experience and educational background. The CV should include the applicant’s basic information, such as: name, contact information, education, skills, and experience. In addition to these basics, it may include information related to research. , experience, publications, offers, grants, fellowships, professional associations, licenses, awards, honors, and other information relevant to applying for the desired position,It is also known as a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous occupations in which he or she worked, and is usually sent with the job application.
This process requires hard work and updating personal skills, not only in the CV, but also in one’s lifestyle. It also requires setting goals and objectives before starting any step.
The lecture also provided an overview of self-marketing and how to develop skills and expand the circle of relationships, as it is considered one of the most important factors a businessman needs for his professional life.
The workshop was attended by a number of college professors and students.
At the end of the workshop, the Dean presented a certificate of appreciation to the lecturer for her efforts in presenting the lecture

Entrepreneurship organizes a workshop on writing a personal CV
Entrepreneurship organizes a workshop on writing a personal CV

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