Negotiation strategies

The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed , A master’s thesis in field of Public Administration by the students (Abdullah Khamis Ali Raja) tagged with (Negotiation strategies and their impact on organizational success /Analytical research in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals) Under supervision of (Assist.Prof. Dr. Suhair Adel Hamed )
Determining the role of formulating negotiation strategies in its dimensions (cooperative strategy, competitive strategy, avoidance strategy, bargaining strategy, absorption strategy) in achieving organizational success in its dimensions (resources, organizational structure, management, process, knowledge management) in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, and based on the importance of the topic Research into public organizations and the importance of these organizations to society. The descriptive analytical method was adopted in completing the current research, and the study sample was represented by a sample of senior and middle leaders in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals under study, whose number reached (120) respondents, and they were selected using the stratified sample survey method. Overall, the researcher used the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data, which included (49) items, in addition to using personal interviews and field observations as auxiliary tools in collecting data. The researcher relied on statistical programs (SPSS V.25; Excel V.16) to process and analyze the data through the use of The most appropriate statistical methods (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, coefficient of determination (R2), F test, simple linear regression, relative importance, Pearson correlation coefficient) to test his hypotheses.
The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which were: that negotiation strategies play a positive role in achieving organizational success in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, and that negotiation strategies enhance cooperation and coordination between parties within the ministry, which led to improved operations, which enhanced organizational success, and thus achieved The first and second main hypotheses of the study.
Based on the conclusions reached, a set of recommendations were developed, the most important of which was the need to direct attention towards developing negotiation and coordination skills through the establishment of dedicated training programs, to enhance awareness of the importance of constructive negotiation and coordination between the negotiating parties.

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