The Role of Sustainable Marketing

The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed, a PhD dissertation in field of Business Administration by the student ( Rajaa Hussein Mohammed ) and tagged with (The Role of Sustainable Marketing and Total Quality Management in Enhancing Customer Value / A Field Study ) , Under supervision of (Assist.Prof. Dr. Maha Kamel Jawad )
This research aims to investigate the impact of sustainable marketing and total quality management (as two highly significant variables in both scientific and practical fields) on improving customer value in several private hospitals in Baghdad – Al-Rusafa. The hospitals included in the study are Al-Mustansiriyah Private, Al-Waziriya Private, Al-Khayal Private, Al-Nahrain Private, Beirut Private, and Al-Dawli Private. These hospitals were selected due to the higher number of hospitals in Al-Rusafa compared to Al-Karkh, with 45 hospitals in Al-Rusafa versus 22 in Al-Karkh, These hospitals rely on diversifying their services and adopting various marketing methods to solve the problem of traditional practices that may harm the environment and increase pollution. A questionnaire was used as the main research tool to gather opinions from a purposive sample consisting of managers, doctors, technicians, administrators, and nurses. A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed, and 131 were returned and deemed valid for statistical analysis using the SPSS V.28 software to understand the relationship between variables and test the research hypotheses regarding the relationship and impact of sustainable marketing and total quality management dimensions on improving customer value, The descriptive analytical method was adopted as it is the most suitable to achieve the research objectives. Various statistical methods appropriate to the research objectives were employed, such as the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and relative importance. The research concluded with several findings, most notably that private hospitals in Baghdad – Al-Rusafa have succeeded in improving their customer value through sustainable marketing and total quality management by focusing on sustainable pricing, sustainable distribution, continuous improvement, and customer focus. Therefore, research recommends that hospitals focus on these dimensions in order to improve the value of their customers.

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