In cooperation with the Psychological and Educational Guidance Unit, the Follow-up Division has organized a lecture on the crime of human trafficking. This lecture is presented by Major Murtadha Majid Haider from the Ministry of Interior- Higher Institute for Security and Administrative Training. The lecturer has addressed the crime of human trafficking and given a brief overview of the penalties imposed by Iraqi law against those who traffic human beings. He also has reviewed forms and models of the Ministry of Interior’s work and appropriate procedures that should be taken.
Human trafficking means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of one or more persons using coercion. It also means a threat, using force, other forms of coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deception, abuse of power or influence, or exploitation of a position of vulnerability by giving or receiving sums of money, sexual exploitation, forced labor, or slavery. The lecture has been attended by several college employees and students.