The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed , a master’s thesis in field of Economics by the student (Durgham Fadel Kazem ) and tagged with ( Feasibility of Establishing and Reviving Industrial Projects In Iraq Through Import Substitution Strategy ) , Under supervision of (Pro.Dr.Thaer Mahmoud Rashid )

The research idea emanates from the significance of the industrial sector and its role in inducing structural and organizational changes at the national economic level. Given the numerous, deep, and intricate challenges facing Iraq’s industrial sector, many industrial projects have partially or completely ceased operations. Furthermore, state-owned industrial companies have become a burden on the government. The lack of attention, absence of serious measures for improvement by relevant authorities, unclear vision, and the adoption of ineffective strategies and policies have all contributed to the decline of this vital sector. To rectify this and restore its rightful place and utility, it is imperative to shed light on a strategy that can revitalize the sector, guiding it back to the correct path and achieving its intended objectives.
Since import substitution manufacturing strategy is considered a leading approach and one of the most crucial industrial strategies that historically has driven industrial development and structural transformation in economies, this study investigates its suitability within the Iraqi economic context. It focuses on stalled industrial projects and companies, evaluating the feasibility of reactivation or the establishment of new industrial ventures. The study prioritizes appropriate projects aligned with their objectives and purposes. Learning from the experiences of countries that successfully implemented import substitution strategies within a specific timeframe while avoiding the mistakes of others that failed in proper implementation is also a significant aspect.
Consequently, the study aims to provide a forward-looking perspective on Iraq’s industrial landscape, projecting future prospects. It diagnoses the challenges, seeks solutions, and remedies to construct a dependable industrial sector for the country’s sustainable development.

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