The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad discussed , a master’s thesis in field of Economics by the student (Zaid Abd al Ameer ) and tagged with ( The effectiveness of government investment spending in promoting industrial development. Selected experiments with reference to Iraq) , Under supervision of (Assist.Pro.Dr.Azhar Hassan Ali )

The research aims to study and analyze the effectiveness of government investment spending and industrial development in Iraq, and selected international experiences and analyze the relationship between them during the period (2003-2021). The research problem stems from the fact that most of the government spending in Iraq is current spending and not investment spending directed to support the economic sectors, including The industrial sector. The research is based on the hypothesis that the government investment spending policy is considered one of the state’s financial policy tools as it has contributed to encouraging industrial investment projects and thus promoting industrial development. The research adopted the inductive approach as well as the use of descriptive analysis of data in Iraq and selected countries during the period (2003-2021), and the research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is: The policy of effective government investment spending is considered one of the most important mechanisms through which manifestations of financial and administrative corruption can be reduced in Iraq. By filling the gaps that cause them and working to tighten all types of oversight mechanisms on how government investment spending is spent and managed. The main goal of achieving industrial development in Iraq is to exploit the money generated from the extractive industry, develop it, and invest it in various industries, including the manufacturing industry, to expand the industrial base by developing a successful strategy to improve the deteriorating reality of the industrial sector, as the development of industry in Iraq contributes to the development of the productive structure of the economy. The nationalist. Good infrastructure facilitates the movement of goods and products inside and outside the country, and this contributes to providing access to markets and increasing export opportunities, which enhances the growth of local industry. Improving this infrastructure reduces transportation costs and increases its efficiency, which contributes to reducing production costs and increasing competitiveness. Providing good infrastructure can contribute to encouraging companies to invest in manufacturing and increase export opportunities.

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