A master’s thesis in field of Business Administration by the students ( Zeena A. Al-hamadani) tagged with (The impact of dynamic capabilities on the business model by mediating strategic agility Field research in a group of private hospitals in Baghdad ) Under supervision of ( Ass.Dr. Prof. Noor K. Al-Obaidi )

The aim of this study is to show the impact of the dynamics capabilities as a business model independent factor, by mediation of the strategic agility, and to reach a precise results a wide study of all dimensions is needed. Sensing, learning, integration, and coordination abilities have been considered as dynamics capabilities sub-dimensions, whereas the value creation, value positioning, and value capture as sub-dimensions of the business model variable. In the other hand for the strategic agility, the strategic sensitivity, flow or flow of resources as well as the leadership unity have been used as sub-dimensions. From the database of the Iraqi ministry of the health, 28 private hospitals out of 61 in the governorate of Bagdad have been chosen depending on the hospital maximum capacity. The samples of the research included the upper and middle managements of the hospitals. To get the data 180 survey form have been supplied to the hospitals,168 form have been used to do the statistical analysis. To analyze the data, different statistical utilities have been used including the Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficients as well as the slope (simple linear regression) coefficients using SPSS V.28, Amos V.26 and Smartpls4.
One of the main results that the researcher has been concluded is that the hospitals have the proper ability to deal issues and cases that might faces without any delays because of the existence of a well and flexible organisation structure. Moreover, and to guarantee the resource flow, the organisation is seeking cooperation with Stakeholders to guarantee the hospital flexibility and Strategic agility. Which means that the hospitals seeking from time to time to reorganize and spread their human,informatics and physical resources to enhance the workers skills via job rotation as well as enhance the hospitals management flexibility. Additionally, the hospitals management have the proper ability to adjust and rearrange their structure in the appropriate time.

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